National Level Commerce Quiz

National Level Commerce Quiz

National Level Commerce Quiz

National Level Commerce Quiz Organized By Department of Commerce . In This Quiz Competition Anyone Can Participate. There is no any registration fee. After Quiz Completion Everyone Will Receive A participation Certificate . 

Here You can sell all the questions and answers which are asked in this quiz competition

1. Decentralisation– 

Increases the importance of supervisors
Decreases the importance of supervisors
Increases the importance of subordinates
Decreases the importance of subordinates

2. Which is correct ? *

Capital = Assets + Liabilities
Liabilities = Capital - Assets
Capital = Net Assets
None of the above

3. Principle of ‘Unity of Command’ means– *

Unity of directions
To receive orders from one officer only
A fixed place for every person
Proper delegation to subordinates

4. Financial Accounting Deals with : 

Determination of cost
Determination of Profit
Dertermination of Prices
All of the above

5. Financial statements are : 

Estimates facts
Anticipated facts
Recorded Facts
Estimates facts & Anticipated facts

6. The long term assets that have no physical existence but, possess a value is known as, 

Current assets
Fixed assets
Intangible assets

7. State whether the following are true *

liquidty ratios measure long term solveny of a concern
Inventory is a part of liquid assets
Rule of thumb for acid test ratio is 1:1
The amount of gross assets is equal to net capital employed

8. Articles of Association of a company can be altered by– *

An ordinary resolution
A resolution with a special notice
A special resolution
None of the above

9. Which of the following is the latest buzzword among bankers *

Social banking
Mass banking
Financial inclusion
None of the above

10. Financial Accounts provide a summery of : *

None of the above

11. State whether the following statement are false : *

Cash flow statement is based upon accrual basis of accounting.
Cash flow statement is useful for short - term financial analysis.
Cash flows resulting from sale of asset are classified as cash flowsfrom investing activities.
Cash equivalents are short term,highly liquid investments that are converttible into cash.

12. A and B are sharing profits in the ratio of 2:1. They admit C into the firm 1/4th share in profits for which he brings Rs. 12,000 as his share of capital. Therefore, the adjusts capital of B will be– *

Rs. 48,000
Rs. 12,000
Rs. 16,000
Rs. 24,000

13. Theory ‘X’ and Theory ‘Y’ of Motivation was propounded by *

Elton Mayo

14. Suppliers personal a/c are seen in the, 

Sales Ledger
Nominal ledger
Purchases Ledger
General Ledger

15. Unfavorable balance means ? 

Credit balance in the cash book
Credit balance in the Bank statement
Debit balance in the cash book
Debit balance in the petty cash book

16. which of the following will result into application of funds? 

Issue of share capital
payment of dividend
payment of creditors
sale of plant

17. Which one of the following statements is correct ? When creditors' velocity or creditors' turnover is higher as compared to debtors' velocity, it would *

improve liquidity
reduce liquidity
improve financial position
have no effect on liquidity

18. Capital expenditure is incurred. *

To improve the efficiency of the asset
To maintain the efficiency of the asset
To restore the efficiency of the asset
To check the efficiency of the asset

19. Partnership may come into existence by *

The operation of law
An express or implied agreement only
An express agreement only
Inheritance of property

20. State which of the following is a non current liability? *

Bank balance
Outstanding salaries
Martgage loan
Non of the above

21. Retained earnings statement depicts : *

Appropriation profits
Estimates of profits
Estimates of cost
Estimates of assers

22. In a Private Company there are restrictions regarding– *

Transfer of shares
Issue of prospectus
Number of members
All of the above

23. The balance appearing in the books of a company at the end of year were CRR A/c Rs. 50,000, Security Premium Rs. 5,000, Revaluation Reserve Rs. 20,000, P & L A/c (Dr) Rs. 10,000. Maximum amount available for distribution of Bonus Share will be– *

Rs. 50,000
Rs. 55,000
Rs. 45,000
Rs. 57,000

24. At the balance sheet date, the balance on the Accumulated Provision for Depreciation Account is.

Transferred to Depreciation Account
Transferred to the Asset Account
Transferred to Profit and Loss Account
Simply deducted from the asset in the Balance Sheet

25. In case of a company, Buy Back is related to– 


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